
Regine C. Schulz

Pro Academia Prize 2015

The Exe­cu­tive Board of the Pro Aca­de­mia Prize has de­cid­ed to con­fer the Pro Aca­de­mia Prize 2015 on

Regine C. Schulz of Hildesheim, Germany,

as the hub of of an academic network, including the following group leaders re­pre­sent­ing their re­spec­tive groups:

Horst Beinlich, Wurzburg; Marco Bunge, Marburg; Wendy A. Cheshire, Huntington, NY; Terry Drayman-Weisser, Baltimore, MD; Michael Helmbrecht/Christoph Schwendy, Hildesheim; Friedhelm Hoffmann, Munich; Richard Jasnow, Baltimore, MD; Andrew Monson, New York; Wilfried Seipel, Vienna; and Emin Tuncay, Hildesheim

"in Recognition of their Efforts, Contributions, and Achievements in Science and Academic Life."

The Owl

Excerpts from the Prize Assessment

egine C. Schulz is an emi­nent ar­cheo­logist, lin­guist, and his­t­o­rian with a focus on Egyp­to­logy who was and is par­ti­cu­lar­ly instru­men­tal in fur­ther­ing academic ex­change bet­ween nu­me­rous dis­cipli­nes. She was award­ed this year's Prize in re­cog­nition of her ef­forts of bring­ing to­gether scien­tists, resear­chers, and scho­lars, among them archeo­lo­gists, con­ser­vators, museum specia­lists, histo­rians, de­signers, specia­lists in inter­active in­for­mation tech­no­logy, and re­pre­sen­ta­tives of dif­ferent reli­gions.

The Prize proposal stressed in particular her project em­pha­siz­ing "The Emergence of the World: Egypt's Last Creation Myth": For se­ve­ral decades, an in­ter­na­tional team dedicated their time and ex­per­tise to this project. Thus, the list of the co-laureates is in­ter­na­tional, from Europe and North America.

Professor Schulz is an exem­plary cen­tral person and linch­pin pro­mot­ing aca­de­mic col­la­bo­ration, ex­change with, and “cross-fer­ti­li­za­tion” bet­ween, among others, museums, uni­ver­sity de­part­ments, and the media, as well as scien­ti­fic co­opera­tion and in­te­gra­tion of aca­de­mic re­search, ex­change, and pre­sen­tation — in this case the trans­for­ma­tion and in­ter­pre­ta­tion of Ancient Egyptian crea­tion myths as models for na­ture phe­no­mena and exist­en­tial human and sci­en­ti­fic questions and prob­lems.

In a joint effort, the col­la­bo­ra­tors opened their field to the pub­lic, ex­plain­ing and sti­mu­lat­ing inter­est, deep­en­ing under­stand­ing, and im­part­ing and con­vey­ing cul­tu­ral and reli­gious back­ground to a broad au­di­ence. The fi­nal pre­sen­ta­tion of their work cul­mi­nat­ed in a major ex­hi­bi­tion that was shown in North America and Europe.

Go to  A Small Café  for a more de­tail­ed de­script­ion.

Pictures of the Ceremony

The Prize was presented to Regine C. Schulz and to the group leaders of the academic network at a special ceremony at the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim on 14 November 2015.

Right click on the pictures to enlarge them or to download them in a high-resolution version.

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 The Pro Academia Prize 2015. 
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 Peter A. Rinck delivering the Prize Presentation Speech. 
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 The mayor of Hildesheim Ingo Meyer delivering a panegyric on Regine C. Schulz. 
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 Regine C. Schulz receiving the Prize from Robert N. Muller. 
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 Regine C. Schulz thanking for the Prize in her Acceptance Speech. 
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 Horst Beinlich receiving the Prize. 
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 Emin Tuncay receiving the Prize on behalf of the Round Table of Abraham. 
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 Marco Bunde receiving the Prize. 
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 Michael Helmbrecht receiving the Prize. 
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 Christoph Schwendy receiving the Prize. 
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The Prize recipients present at the Prize Ceremony in Hildesheim and the representatives of TRTF. 
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 The olive tree is the Order of Merit of the Pro Academia Prize, the "Pour le Mérite". 
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 Picture of the audience, Regine Schulz at the lectern. 
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 Picture of the audience. 
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 Picture of the audience. First row: Peter A. Rinck, Robert N. Muller, Ingo Meyer. 
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 Robert Muller, Regine Schulz, Peter Rinck on the terrace of the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum. 
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 The Prize Owl.